When Do You Put Your Dog To Sleep

When Do You Put Your Dog To Sleep

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The latter rule your life, you cannot imagine your day without them. They think that it is almost eternal. You’re sure they’ll be knocking on the door every time you come home.

When Do You Put Your Dog To Sleep

When Do You Put Your Dog To Sleep

If our love can keep them alive, no dog will die. But we all know that love is never enough, and soon we will have to say goodbye.

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The vet came into the exam room as I tried to hold back my tears. Dante, our beloved German Shepherd, is still receiving pain medication from an IV in the back room.

I could feel the blood pounding in my ears as my heart pounded and tears streamed down my face.

“First, we can do surgery and remove the spine. This surgery, if done, will be very difficult for a weak dog, and it will be very painful.

“However, you should know that if you decide to operate that we open it, if the brain looks cancerous – and I’m almost 90% sure that it is – I euthanize him on the table in the middle of surgery.

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“It was cruel to bring him back from the hospital when he only had a few painful weeks to live trying to recover from the loss of his spleen before dying of cancer.”

Another option is to surround him with your family now and not bother him anymore.

It’s bleeding, so you have to make a decision right away. However, given the laboratory work and the symptoms, I strongly recommend the second option.

When Do You Put Your Dog To Sleep

My mind raced. My heart is crying. It was fine an hour ago. A week ago, the doctor gave him a clean bill of health. Don’t catch the parrot.

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This is the dog that saved my life from an attack by rescuing me from my attacker. This dog is my shadow, my protector and my best friend.

My husband and I didn’t have much time to make this heartbreaking decision in the middle of the night.

We know that if we do the body, it will be better to wait for the painful way to recover when it already shows the symptoms of arthritis and hip dysplasia.

The worst is that he will get cancer and die on a cold operating table far away from us.

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The vet brought her back to the exam room while I tried to calm myself down so we wouldn’t bother her.

I held her head and kissed the black diamond on her forehead again and again as I have done every night since we were eight years old.

I kept whispering in his ear “I love you”, that was the last word he heard with all his heart because of the pain in his heart.

When Do You Put Your Dog To Sleep

My husband put his arms around her and gave her a big hug, and we clung to her as she passed out on anesthesia on the hospital floor.

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As we consider this terrible decision, we think that Dante has the respect he has in his old age. We gave him the kind of death that befits his brave life.

So, although it hurts, although we are not ready to leave it, as we want a few months with it to be better, as we want to replace it, we give it . Onyinye died surrounded by the respect of her loved ones.

To this day, I can’t remember that moment with tears. However, based on the advice of the vet and what we know, we will make the same decision.

Dante had never felt anything like not being able to walk. He never lost control of his stomach. He was never carried because he was too weak to walk.

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Except it took a few minutes to get him to the vet’s office and start him on pain meds, he never recovered.

We loved him to the end and we were there to support him until his last breath in an act of love that took him before life turned dark.

That’s when I realized that euthanasia, when done with the dog’s best interests in mind, is a gift.

When Do You Put Your Dog To Sleep

One of the worst parts of owning a pet is that, in many cases, you will lose your dog. The average age of a dog is between 10 and 13 years. The average age of a human is 71 years.

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Considering how much love we have for our pets, this figure seems pretty good. It’s likely that you’ll soon be saying goodbye.

There are many reasons why pet owners may run away, but here are some reasons:

Often times, even in the best conditions and high care, the inevitable results can be delayed.

You may have heard people say that your pet will tell you when it’s time. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

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You will only get to the point where you know every day that you have trained your dog only by giving him life, not the riches of life.

As dog owners, we hold their lives in our hands. Unless they go quietly into the night, we can usually cope with this emotional overload once our best friend starts to go downhill.

Dogs and humans have similar organ systems. When they begin to fall, they are thought to experience pain in the same way that humans do.

When Do You Put Your Dog To Sleep

It helps me when I answer this question when it’s time for them to sleep, because the owner can put himself in the position of his pet.

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Like humans, euthanasia is not an option. However, many dying human patients voluntarily choose to remain in a drug-induced coma and await the end of their suffering in a vegetative state.

Although euthanasia may seem devastating to us, it is actually the last compassionate gift we can give to our fellow man.

Although this may seem difficult to consider, many owners do not have pet insurance or, if they do, it may not cover expensive treatment.

When years, expenses, suffering and bad decisions gather into a perfect storm, it makes sense to stop fighting the inevitable.

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However, on the other side of the argument, if your dog’s life is good and they are not in pain, you should try to do what is best for them and take care of them, even if it is easy not to have. . or the effective price.

Unlike Dante’s story, we have a happy ending for his successor. This story shows that you should not be afraid to try treatment if the dog can continue to live well during the process.

Our shepherd Soren, who is from Germany, was diagnosed with severe aspergillosis. The fungal infection had spread to his lungs and leg bones, and he was given a poor prognosis for survival.

When Do You Put Your Dog To Sleep

One of the reasons is that the prognosis is so poor that many pet owners put their dogs down because of the extensive treatment and poor results associated with the disease.

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Not only are antifungals expensive, they take months or even years to get rid of the infection completely. Usually, the medicine still works and the dog ends up dying after consuming thousands of dollars of medicine.

However, Soren is only four years old and has a long life ahead of him. We know he is a soldier. His pain was manageable during treatment and his quality of life and appetite remained good.

We are ready to put him to sleep if it is clear that he has won the battle and that he no longer enjoys his life.

Still, although it has a poor prognosis, we have a chance. After thousands of dollars and six months of time-consuming vaccinations, it paid off.

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Soren overcame the odds and miraculously survived. Today, he is a happy seven-year-old dog with no signs of yeast infection.

In this situation, we considered the quality of life and decided that we can manage his pain and start improving him, this sacrifice made him stay with us for another ten years.

Ultimately, the question of when to put your dog down is one you can answer. You know your dog best. You can see the suffering in their eyes and the change in their behavior.

When Do You Put Your Dog To Sleep

For some people, it is difficult to separate the need to keep their pet alive and the need to let their dog go.

Putting Your Dog To Sleep

For others, it is difficult to separate the burden of costs and care required to allow them to fight for the convenience and financial safety of the euthanasia option.

As their owner, it is your duty to save them from unnecessary suffering, even at the cost of your own.

However, it is also your responsibility to help them recover if there is a good chance they will, even if

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