When Is It Time To Put A Dog To Sleep

When Is It Time To Put A Dog To Sleep

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Monday will change your life, you can’t imagine your day without them. They feel almost immortal. You believe that when they come home, they always knock on the door with dancing eyes and wagging tails.

When Is It Time To Put A Dog To Sleep

When Is It Time To Put A Dog To Sleep

If our love could help them survive, no dog would die. But we all know that love alone is not enough. Sooner or later you have to say goodbye.

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As I tried to stop hyperventilating through my tears, the veterinarian entered the exam room. Our beloved German Shepherd, Dante, is still in the back room taking pain medication.

I could feel the blood pounding in my ears as my heart raced and tears streamed down my face.

“First, we can operate on his spleen and remove it. Even if this surgery is successful, it will be very difficult for an old dog and will be very painful.”

“However, if you decide to have surgery and we open it up and the tumor looks malignant — I’m 90 percent sure it is — you should know that I will kill it on the table right in the middle of the surgery.”

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“It was cruel to bring him back from anesthesia when he endured weeks of pain trying to recover from losing his spleen before dying of cancer.”

“Your second option is to euthanize him now surrounded by family and without hurting him.

He’s bleeding so you have to make a quick decision. However, based on the test results and his symptoms, I would recommend the second option.”

When Is It Time To Put A Dog To Sleep

My mind is racing. My heart is beating. He was fine an hour ago. A week ago, the vet gave him a clean bill of health. No one got cancer.

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It was the dog that protected me from the attacker and saved my life from being attacked. This dog is my shadow, protector and best friend.

My husband and I have very little time to make painful decisions at night.

We knew we had to have surgery, and in the best case scenario, he faced a difficult road to recovery as he showed signs of arthritis and hip dysplasia.

Worst of all, he has cancer, and he will have to die in a cold operating room far from us.

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The vet took him into the exam room while I tried to calm down so as not to disturb him.

I held her head and kissed the black diamond on her forehead over and over like I did every night for the eight years she was ours.

I kept whispering “I love you” into his ear, so those were the last words he could hear in the strongest voice he could muster from the wreckage in my chest. .

When Is It Time To Put A Dog To Sleep

My husband hugged her tightly, and we clung to her as the life drained from her after the vet’s injection on the clinic floor.

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As we consider this terrible decision, we think of the dignity that Dante always had, even in his old age. We must give him a death worthy of his brave life.

Even though it was painful and we weren’t ready to lose her, we gave it to her, just as we wanted to spend a few more months with her to perfect ourselves, to replace her. the gift of dying with honor surrounded by those who love you.

I still don’t remember that moment. However, based on our vet’s advice and what we knew at the time, we would make the same decision again.

Dante has never experienced being unable to walk. He never lost control of his bowels. He never had to be carried because he couldn’t move.

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Other than taking him to the vet’s office for a few minutes of pain relief, he has never been injured.

We love him to the end and are ready to let him go and help him pass his last breath before life gets too dark.

That’s when I realized that euthanasia is a gift when it is done in the best interests of the dog.

When Is It Time To Put A Dog To Sleep

One of the most difficult aspects of owning a pet is that you often outgrow your dog. The average lifespan of a dog is 10-13 years. The average life expectancy of a person is 71 years.

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In terms of pet love, these quantitative differences seem devastating. It’s okay, sooner or later you have to say goodbye.

There are many reasons why pet owners are forced to euthanize their pets, but some of the most common reasons are:

Often, even under the best of circumstances, with high-quality care, the inevitable decision can be delayed.

You may have heard people say that your pet will let you know when it’s time. Unfortunately, this often does not happen.

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You get to the point where you know that every day you feed your dogs to make a living, not to enrich their lives.

As dog owners, we hold their lives in our hands. If they don’t drift quietly into the night, we are often faced with a myriad of emotions not knowing what to do when our beloved friend begins to decline.

Dogs and humans have similar body systems. When they start to fail, they think they feel the same pain as humans.

When Is It Time To Put A Dog To Sleep

I find this helpful when deciding when to put them to sleep because the owner can figuratively put themselves in their pet’s shoes.

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As a human being, a peaceful death is impossible. However, many terminally ill patients would rather wait patiently than endure drug-induced stupor and suffer in a vegetative state.

Although euthanasia may seem cruel to us, it is actually the best final gift we can give to our suffering companion.

It may seem callous to consider this factor, but many owners do not have pet insurance or if they do, it may not cover this expensive treatment.

When age, loss, pain and a bad outcome combine in a perfect storm, it makes sense to stop fighting the inevitable outcome.

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However, contrary to the argument, if your dog has a good quality of life and they are not sick, you should also try to act in their best interests and take care of them, even if it means Inconvenience. or economic.

Unlike Dante’s story, we get a happy ending for his successor. This case shows that you don’t need to be afraid to seek therapy if your dog can continue to do well throughout the process.

Our German Shepherd, Soren, was diagnosed with aspergillosis. The fungal infection spread to her lungs and leg bones and her prognosis for life was poor.

When Is It Time To Put A Dog To Sleep

One reason for the poor prognosis is that many pet owners abandon their dogs due to the extensive treatment regimens and poor outcomes associated with the disease.

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Antifungal medications are inexpensive and it can take months or even years to completely clear the infection. Often, the medication remains ineffective and the dog dies after taking thousands of dollars worth of medication.

However, Soren is only four years old and has a long life ahead of him. We know he is a warrior. His pain was controlled during treatment and his quality of life and appetite remained good.

We are ready to put him to sleep if it becomes clear that he is losing the battle and not enjoying life.

However, despite his poor prognosis, we took a chance. After thousands of dollars in fungicide and six months of maintenance and time, it paid off.

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Soren miraculously survived, overcoming all difficulties. Today, he is a happy seven-year-old dog with no signs of a fungal infection.

In this case, we measured quality of life and decided that if we could get her pain under control and she started to get better, the sacrifices would be worth her stay. with us for another ten years.

Ultimately, only you can decide when to put your dog down. You know your dog best. You can see the pain in their eyes and the changes in their behavior.

When Is It Time To Put A Dog To Sleep

For some people, it’s difficult to separate the need to keep their pet alive from the need to visit their dog.

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For others, it is difficult to distinguish between the cost and inconvenience of the care needed to make the euthanasia option easy and cost-effective in combat.

As their owner, it is your duty to protect them from unnecessary suffering, even at the cost of your own pain.

However, it is your responsibility to help them recover if they are capable of recovery, even if they are capable of recovery.

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