Where To Leave Cat While On Vacation

Where To Leave Cat While On Vacation

Where To Leave Cat While On Vacation – Home / Inspirational / Culture / Dealing with Anxiety About Leaving Your Cat or Dog When You Go Away

Their suitcases were packed, their tickets were printed, and they reserved a seat for their favorite on the city’s St. At the boarding point. But even if you’re ready to know that your pet is in as little hands as possible, you still worry about leaving your cat or dog behind when you go on a fun vacation.

Where To Leave Cat While On Vacation

Where To Leave Cat While On Vacation

Maybe it’s the first time you’ve left your pet with a babysitter for the night, or maybe you’re going on a two-week trip – either way, you’re feeling bad. You wonder, “What if my pet thinks I’ve abandoned him?” And “He likes certain treats at certain times of the day. Does this person know about it?”

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Do not be afraid. We’ve got expert advice on how to deal with the anxiety of leaving your cat or dog in the hands of someone else.

Let’s say you’re planning a long vacation and you know you’ll have to leave your beloved four-legged friend behind. What do you need to do to achieve success for yourself and your pet?

“It’s natural for pet parents to worry about leaving their cat or dog in the care of someone else, which is why a professional pet sitter is so important,” says Stultz-Hairston, Pet’s vice president of marketing and operations. Sitters International is an educational association of professional pet sitters located in Royal, North Carolina.

You should definitely look for professional pet grooming companies that have credentials like proof of pet grooming insurance, a pet contract and a background check, she adds.

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“I highly recommend making an appointment in advance because it makes things so much easier for pet parents,” says Jessica Arnati, owner of a professional pet grooming agency in Mount Laurel Township, New York. Jersey. .

“Prepare different questions for the manager and explain what your expectations are,” says Arnati. “And just remember, you want vetted, trained and certified professionals.”

The first thing pet sitter Melanie Lewis of Rover.com, an online network of professional pet sitters and dog walkers, does with clients is show them around their homes, get to know them and their pets, and answer any questions. have. They say it helps to feel comfortable even before the holiday.

Where To Leave Cat While On Vacation

“Relieving my pet owners’ anxiety about leaving them behind when they go to work or on holiday starts with our first meeting,” says Louise, who has 22 years of experience caring for people’s pets.

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“Not only do I meet the owners and their pets around my house and on the property to show them where their dog lives, but I also take the time to talk to the owners about their pets to learn as much as possible about my dog. . The lifestyle, habits, routine and preferences of the guest dog,” he continues.

If you’ve left your pet at home and someone is staying with or visiting, a pet camera can help you stay in touch. Some, like the Petcu Bites 2 Lite, come with a treat dispenser so you can show your love even when you’re not home.

Let’s say you’ve completed your visit before your trip, but you’re still feeling guilty or nervous about leaving your pet behind. What should you do?

First, remind yourself that fear is what makes you a good pet parent. You care about the health and emotional well-being of your beloved pet.

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“Emotions speak about our values. They tell us what’s most important,” says Michelle Lopez, Ph.D., associate director of the Center for Stress and Anxiety Management in San Diego, California. “Especially when we feel anxious or guilty, it’s a good sign of our relationship with our pets. Reminding ourselves, “Well, I’m feeling this way because I’m so connected and because these pets mean something to me,” can help us cope more effectively.

Lopez wants foster parents to remember that leaving a pet with a trusted sitter or a reputable daycare means taking responsibility for the animal. Even if you are away from your dog or cat, you still take steps to keep your pet healthy, fed, loved and safe.

If you’re still worried about leaving your pet, Shannon Amabile, MFTI, of Silver Lake Psychology in Los Angeles, recommends deep breathing exercises.

Where To Leave Cat While On Vacation

“Take a moment to be aware of the space you’re in, and anxiety is anxiety about the future,” says Amabile. By counting four seconds of inhalation, four seconds of hold, and four seconds of exhalation, you “create that rhythm in the body and engage the mind in counting,” which helps slow racing thoughts.

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Amabile recommends times when you need to let your pet go (even if it’s just a trip to the store) and reminds you how well you did.

Finally, the day of the trip has arrived and you are getting ready to leave your dog or cat at the kennel or sitter. Follow these tips for trouble-free sending.

Even if you’re suffering from separation from your dog or cat, the most important thing you can do is not let your pet experience your anxiety, says Kristen DiBlasio, owner and manager of Faraway Farms Dog Center. Providence, Rhode Island.

DiBlasio says that when you’re nervous around a dog, it’s because of the dog’s leash. They think, “My husband is upset, why is he upset? Something bad is bound to happen. “

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The last thing you want to do when leaving your pet is to be very realistic about the situation, even if your heart is pounding and you feel guilty.

“God, bye, I miss you!” DiBlasio says, “Make it a routine — ‘I’ll be back, see you.’ What do you do when you leave them?

She also recommends not taking your dog’s favorite toys, blankets or dogs out of the house, as they may spend more time “resource guarding,” that is, protecting their belongings from others, rather than being around or interacting with them. Dogs or pets at home or in a boarding house.

Where To Leave Cat While On Vacation

Another thing to remember when emotions run high is that dogs are pack animals by nature and live in the moment, DiBlasio says. They’ll miss you, but they’ll be able to have fun with their new friends and learn valuable social skills in the process.

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When you and your pet are separated, it’s important to enjoy the ride and the time. It’s all up to you, Lopez says, and it’s important to keep that in mind. If you rest, relax, and have fun, you’ll come back a better pet parent than when you left.

“It’s really important to take care of yourself, and if you think, ‘I’ll never be able to let them go,’ it helps reduce the risk or likelihood that you’ll upset the animal,” she adds.

If you’ve chosen a photo update facility or have a webcam, or if you’re installing a pet camera in your home, you’ll want to follow the restrictions. Amabile says the same goes for checking with the breeder.

“Getting [a pet] is a quick fix for anxiety, but it doesn’t really help you relax,” she says. “Once you log in, you have the opportunity to log in two or three times — and then you’re not helping yourself.”

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Lopez recommends creating a plan that works for both parties. For example, instead of obsessively checking in, make a specific plan to check in once in the morning and once in the afternoon. This will allow you to enjoy the ride while feeling like the responsible parent you already are.

“It gives them peace of mind and brightens their day with some cute pet shots,” she says. “Some pet parents are more engaged than others and want detailed daily updates, while others want a quick check-in. I modify my updates to meet the individual needs of pet owners.

According to Anati, some pet parents like handwritten check-ins, some prefer weekly texts or emails, some appreciate pet care software that automatically sends updates, and others want to see their pets in action.

Where To Leave Cat While On Vacation

“I had a client who recorded her cat meowing in front of her every day,” he says with a laugh. “They’ve been out for three weeks now… but we’re happy to accommodate our customers’ special requests.”

How To Cope With Anxiety About Leaving Your Cat Or Dog When You Travel

“When the pet parents are away, the sitter can take care of communication based on the parents’ preferences,” she says. Veterans often leave daily records at home, but they can send daily updates and photos or updates and photos after each visit. Does the client want it?

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