Vacations With Dog

Vacations With Dog

Vacations With Dog – If you want to take your dog on vacation, you need to find a place to stay, pack what you need for the trip, and prepare for its safety to avoid losing your dog on vacation.

We have always had a dog in our family and we love them as if they were our children. When we rented a beach house for a family beach trip, we thought it would be fun to take our dog on vacation for a week.

Vacations With Dog

Vacations With Dog

Despite our almost constant supervision, in a very brief moment of distraction, our sweet dog wandered out of the beach house and disappeared.

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My family was destroyed. We immediately started looking for him and it was the most painful thing to see our children crying as we went around looking for him, not knowing when we would find him again.

I can definitely say it was worse than the time I had to tell my kids it was time to go to bed.

After two hours of intense search and action, a miracle sent from heaven connected us with the stranger who had found our dog. When we found out where she was found and in what condition she was at that time, it was a real miracle that she was safe.

I want to share what we learned from that scary experience to help you decide whether or not to bring your dog on your vacation, and if you do, to help you prepare to keep your dog safe and happy so you can relax and have fun. your holidays. to travel

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The decision of whether or not to take your beloved pet on vacation should not be taken lightly.

Taking your dog for a walk is a lot of fun, but have you considered these things?:

There are many good reasons why it’s a bad idea to take your dog on vacation, including:

Vacations With Dog

After our unique experience of taking them on vacation, I now firmly believe that if you love your pet, your biggest concern should be that they are in the safest place possible.

Dogs Luv Us And We Luv Them: Vacation With The Dog; Dog Travel Essentials

Maybe he is with you on vacation, maybe he is at home in a safe kennel, but none of these options are inherently bad. A kennel can be a very loving option.

If you decide to take your dog on vacation, here’s a list of things you’ll want to pack before your trip:

I never thought that we could lose our dog on vacation, but your whole vacation routine is different from that at home and mistakes can happen in the blink of an eye.

Everyone on the trip works as a team to ensure that one person is in charge of the dog’s safety. When the responsibility passes to someone else, make sure the delivery is safe: “I’ll go and leave the dog with you.” It should be said out loud and recognized by the next line.

Dog Friendly Vacations: Plan Your Trip Around Your Pup!

Even if your dog sleeps on the porch. Even if your dog is trained to come back when called. There are so many new things to smell and discover that it can be tempting for a curious dog to run away.

Make sure your dog’s tags are always active and up to date with your phone number. Chipping is great, but it doesn’t help you find it without taking the dog to the shelter or the vet for a scan.

AirTag helps you find your dog quickly if you run away without waiting for someone to call you.

Vacations With Dog

We can save hours of fear and worry and find our lost dog quickly if we have an airtag attached to his neck with this accessory.

Tips For The Best Pet Friendly Beach Vacations

Find local groups for your destination. For example, in Tybee Beach there are groups: Lost & Found Tybee and a group for local Lifeguards. If you wait until your dog is already lost, you will waste your time trying to find these groups for help.

Keep a recent photo on your phone, especially if your dog has been groomed and has a haircut. Have everyone in your group put a copy on their phone.

When we lost our dog on vacation, it was one of the scariest 2 hours of my life.

It only took 1 minute to run away from the family and disappear into the neighborhood where we rented a beach house.

Vacation Dog Care: Make Arrangements To Keep Your Dog Safe

We drove for the next two hours and walked around the island, stopping to ask for help from everyone we met.

In the end, our story had a happy ending and our dog was found, but we learned several important lessons:

Call the police immediately with information about your dog. Give them your name, your dog’s details, your phone number/contact information and details of where you live.

Vacations With Dog

In the end, it was the police who accessed the information that connected us with the person who found our dog.

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1 part of your party must search close by foot, 1 part must search within a radius of a mile by car. Your dog can reach further than you think. If possible, have another member of your party stay at home and do digital work on the phone and computer and be available to the police.

Hikers, delivery drivers, passing cars on residential streets, picnickers/campers, shop owners, literally everyone you come across while looking. Ask them to call the police if they find your dog because it’s easier to remember than your phone number.

After an hour of searching and asking for help, we started meeting people who heard that our dog was missing. Most of the time, people are concerned and really want to help you find a lost dog and spread the word about you too.

Publish a public post on your own Facebook profile and ask your friends to share it. Then share that post in local groups. You can search for the name of your destination and then “Lost and Found”.

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We share places in local lost and found groups, local rescue groups and local social groups. Finally, the person who found our dog posted on his Facebook profile. His friends encouraged him to call the police, who already had our information.

We were lucky enough to be reunited with our dog within 2 hours, but if you can’t find your dog, you should also consider doing the following:

Depending on how long they are in the area, this may take some time. But the truth is that your dog can be found and looked after by a stranger who can try to take it to the vet for a check or a groomer for a cleaning. This is more common than you might think.

Vacations With Dog

Animal control may conduct additional patrols or meet your dog in the wild. Make sure they are notified that your dog is missing.

Affordable Vacation Ideas With Pets

There are many decisions to be made before going on vacation. As you plan your next adventure, don’t miss these helpful tips: Everyone is looking forward to summer vacation, but now that travel booking time is officially here, it can also be a time of stress and anxiety for pet owners. Recent studies have shown that 37% of dog owners do not travel because they do not want to leave their fur baby. The thought of abandoning your fur baby can be overwhelming and bring up feelings of guilt, but having a pet doesn’t mean you have to put your life on pause and not book a trip.

While many choose to research dog friendly hotels and plan their trip so they can bring their pup, this isn’t always an option for some families. Fur babies with neurotic personalities can be triggered by sudden changes in location and long car rides. International travel makes it even more difficult to bring a dog. With that in mind, the Pets a Go Go team have shared their tips for making sure your pet is well cared for while you’re on vacation because you deserve a worry-free trip.

Have a care plan. Before booking a trip, make sure the pet sitter you choose will be available while you’re away. Once this is established, invite this person into your home before you leave to learn more about your dog’s daily routine and build trust between your fur baby and the pet sitter. Seeing a familiar face while you’re out helps dogs adjust to not being around you. Write a checklist for your pet sitter that details eating plans, medical restrictions and the emergency phone number of the veterinarian.

Invest in pet-friendly technology. Just because you’re away from home doesn’t mean you can’t interact with your pet. Now there are many options

Should You Take Your Dog On Vacation?

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