Cat Friendly Places To Rent Near Me

Cat Friendly Places To Rent Near Me

Cat Friendly Places To Rent Near Me – Don’t have a pet but want to adopt a cute cat in 2024? Check out this neat cafe in Singapore where tail wagging and whispers meet coffee and baby demons!

If you’re like me and can’t resist the urge to pet every cat you see, we’ve rounded up some of the best cat cafes in Singapore! We love taking our kids to kid-friendly cafes in Singapore. However, if you have a child who loves animals, you might want to find a cafe where you can pet animals. Cat cafes are becoming more and more popular in Singapore. It offers an opportunity to pet the resident cats while drinking their baby milk, providing a fun experience for a weekend activity. I mean, what’s not to love about a combination of cake, coffee and dogs? Plus, petting a cat has been scientifically proven to have therapeutic benefits! Bonus: the cats at this cafe are incredibly friendly. So, since these furry friends are vaccinated and well cared for, we don’t have to worry about them giving our children rashes, bites or even allergies. Are you ready to kiss and meet a new cute friend? Here’s your complete guide to the best cat cafes in Singapore!

Cat Friendly Places To Rent Near Me

Cat Friendly Places To Rent Near Me

Sissy Mama Tip: Most cat cafes in Singapore welcome young children, but it is very important that they are well behaved. Most of the resident cats are old and adopted or lost. To ensure a positive experience, approach your child gently and without interruption during afternoon naps or mealtimes. To ensure a pleasant experience, it is important to show respect and kindness to your fellow nurses.

Chingu @ Rochester

Some cafes in Singapore have age restrictions. We try to keep our articles up to date, but we encourage parents to double check the official Cafe Dual website for the most up-to-date requirements before planning a visit.

Cat Cafe Admission: $14 for adults, $7 for children, free drinks for the first hour. Minimum age requirement: at least 7 years. Meomi Cat Cafe is one of the cat cafes in Singapore. Located just minutes from Bugis MRT, this popular cat cafe is home to beautiful long and short cats and attracts many visitors every day. Miami cat cafes also have rare cats like Munchkins and Maine Coons!

Cat Cafe Admission: $18 per person, free drink for the first two hours. Minimum age requirement: at least 6 years old. Children aged 6-12 must be accompanied by an adult. Cat Cafe has two outlets in Singapore, Biggs and Rail Mall, making it a favorite hangout for cat lovers island-wide. One of our favorite things about Cat Cafe is that all of our resident cats are foster homes or adopters! Nevertheless, the cats here are very customer friendly and are always ready to play a game of stargazing. If you visit The Cat Cafe at Rail Mall Outlet, be careful when ordering fries. Because the cats that live here (especially Bubbles and Bailey) will stop at nothing for their favorite treats!

Cat Cafe Admission: $15 per person for the first hour and a half (weekdays), $15 per person for the first hour (weekends, holidays) Minimum age requirement: 7 years and older. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.  Catopia is located in a quaint shop on Dunlop Street and is home to 10 cats of different breeds, including Jasper, affectionately known as the president and founder of Catopia. Parents, please note that this cat cafe in Singapore has a grace period of 5-10 minutes, and if you don’t arrive on time, you won’t get a seat!

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Cat Cafe Admission: $9 per person for the first hour (weekdays), $12 per person for the first hour (weekends, holidays) Minimum age requirement: 4 years and older. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.  At a low price of $9 per hour, Nekotown is one of the most affordable cat cafes in Singapore and one of the few cat cafes that allows young children (minimum 4 years old)! Residential cats come in a variety of breeds, including shorthair and longhair, and even have special names such as Corn, Egg, and Cactus. Did we also mention that you can get a free flu drink every time you enter Nicotown?!

Cat Cafe Admission: $18 per person for the first hour Minimum age requirement: None. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. 

Cat Paradise is both an adoption center and a cat cafe. But what’s special is that this cat cafe in Singapore embraces the concept of a cage-free adoption center. Here, potential adopters can interact with cats that roam free rather than being confined to small cages. As a result of this unique concept, Cat Paradise has successfully rehabilitated over 50 cats over the past year! Admission to Cat Paradise is a bit pricey, but thanks to the cage-free simulation, guests can expect to interact with more than 10 very friendly cats. You can also purchase a day pass to this cat cafe for $40.

Cat Friendly Places To Rent Near Me

If you are looking for a place to work surrounded by a bunch of furry cats, this is for you! Meowistry of Meow is a cat-friendly co-working space in the heart of Bugis where you can attend meetings or meet deadlines without the stress of having a furry friend by your side. Meowistry of Meow also has private cat-free rooms for karaoke sessions, game sessions, or if you just want a place to work without being bothered by a cute puppy.

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Cat Cafe Admission: $20 per person for the first hour Minimum age requirement: Minimum 5 years. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Have you ever heard of art tampering with goats? At Wildflower Studio, you can interact with six resident cats while showing off your art skills in an art jam session. For $48 per 2.5 hour session, art and cat lovers can experience the best of both worlds in this unique experience. If you just want to hang out with your cat, Wildflower Studio has a “chill out with cats” option starting at just $20. Wildflower Studio only serves drinks, so be sure to try one before you visit!

Cat Cafe Admission: $20 per person per hour (advance reservation required) Minimum age requirement: none. Although not technically a cat cafe, the Singapore Cat Museum is a cat sanctuary located in Bigs, occupying three floors of commercial space along North Bridge Road. The cat museum includes unique cat-themed sculptures and paintings. The third floor of this non-profit cat museum houses an orphanage and cat shelter, where visitors can cuddle, interact with and even adopt cats! Having successfully rehabilitated more than 370 cats, the cat museum also has a complete education center where potential adopters can learn all about raising cats at home.

We’ve rounded up some of the best coffee shops in Singapore and hope they inspire you to work on your weekends! Are there any pet cafes in Singapore you’d like to add to your list? Please share with [email protected]!

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Cat Friendly Places To Rent Near Me

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Pet Friendly Apartments

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